Madhubani art which is also known as Mithila painting has grabbed global attention by now. Being introduced by the king of Janakpur, Madhubani art was originally practiced in the Mithila region of the Indian subcontinent. Generally, the painting is done on eve of different festivities like Holi, Diwali etc and also ceremonial rituals like marriage, new births, etc. One of the interesting fact about this painting is that this painting is not only done with help of fingers and brushes, like other paintings but also with bamboo sticks, nib-pens, and matchsticks, etc. The next interesting thing is the color used in these paintings are natural dyes obtained from the flower, rice paste, cow dung etc. What attracts one about this painting is the geometrical patterns and the color combination used in it.


Talking about the genesis of Madhubani art or Mithila painting it traces its origin in Mithila region. More aptly it was traditionally created by the women of Madhubani district of Mithila region in the Indian subcontinent, which gives the idea of how Madhubani painting derived its name.

How it came to the limelight –

In 1934 when Bihar was affected by a devastating earthquake, and many houses and lives were lost. During that period British Imperialist Officer Sir William G Archer came to Bihar for surveying loss. He then saw the walls oh houses which were decorated with beautiful Madhubani Paintings. He was so much amazed to see the painting, he also compared the work with Western painters like Clee, Miro, and Picasso.     

Salient Features

       1.     First, the painting is done on freshly plastered mud walls with cow dung, on floors of houses, and later on clothes, charts papers, canvas, earthen pots etc.
2     2.      Madhubani paintings are made from the paste of powdered rice, raw turmeric paste, cow dung etc.
3     3.     Madhubani painting is a 2-dimensional image which is done with the help of bamboo sticks,nib-pens, matchsticks etc.
4    4.     This painting has successfully obtained the status of coveted Geographical Indication as it is confined to compact Mithila region for many centuries.
5    5.     The painting canvasses god, goddess, scenery, sun, moon. nature, scenes, royal court, ceremonies, a deity from epics etc.
6    6.     In the painting, empty space is not left. Space is filled with drawings of flowers, birds, animals, instruments and geometrical patterns.
Major Hubs
Following are some of the places where Madhubani Painting is practiced majorly 
1     1.      In Ranti region
2    2.     Darbhanga - Kalakriti,
  3.     Madhubani - Vaidehi,
   4.  Madhubani - Benipatti  


There are two types of Mithila Painting –
     1.     One is wall painting also known as bitter chittra deriving its name from the place where it is  done.
2     2.     The second one is airplane or Alpina which is done on the floor of houses.

Mainly Mithila Painting has five distinctive styles, which are named as, Bharni, Godna, Kitchen, Tantrik, and Khobar.
Earlier Bharni, Kachni and Tantrik style were done only by Brahman and Kayashth women, who are categorized as 'upper caste' women in Indian subcontinent and Nepal. The themes shown were mainly religious and they portrayed gods and goddesses, flora and fauna, royal courts, ceremonies in their paintings. Lower caste people painted aspects of their daily life and symbols, the story of Raja Shailesh who was a guard of the village and much more, in their paintings. But nowadays Madhubani art has grabbed global attention and emerged as a globalized form of art. therefore no form of caste or regional difference can be found in the artist’s work.
Artists and awards
1    .     Sita Devi of Jitwarpur village near Madhubani, in 1969 received State award by Government of Bihar for her skill of Mithila Painting and contributions in the art arena. This was the first time Mithila Painting obtained official recognition. She received Padma Shri in 1981, Bihar Ratna in 1984 and Shilp Guru in 2006.
2    .     Ganga Devi i1984  was awarded  Padma Shri.
3    .     In 2011, Mahasundari Devi received the Padma Shri.
4   .       Some of the other national award winners are Shanti Devi, Chano Devi, Bauwa Devi, Yamuna Devi, Bindeshwari Devi, Shashi Kala Devi, Chandrabhushan, Ambika Devi, Leela Devi, Chandrakala Devi, Godavari Dutta, and Manisha Jha.

Recent Developments

Mithila Art Institute was established in 2003 in Madhubani as-an independent institution to train youth in Madhubani Art and develop this form of art with more determination and zeal.
Darbhanga Station was decorated with Madhubani art. It was so beautiful that the Bihar government has decided to decorate Patna Junction and Patna Airport on the similar lines. 
Madhubani Painting on Madhubani Station is approximately 7,000ft long and it will be soon recorded in the Genius Book of World Records.

So, these were amazing facts about Madhubani Art or Mithila Painting.
Hope you like It.